Learn The Big 3!
In the world of graphic design, we refer to Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop as The Big 3. These are the most used tools of our trade. They are rich with features and take a long time to become fluent in. If you’re new to these apps or looking to expand what you know, contact me to setup a training session. I can save you a lot of frustration with my ability to impart knowledge that makes sense. I studied with Adobe Certified Experts. They cover the Big 3 in great detail which now gives me an opportunity to pass this onto you.
My first Photoshop Training class was hosted by Desire To Inspire Studios in August 2018 and was a success. My students walked away with useful knowledge they can rely on because I went into detail in explaining why certain methods and features were used. You don’t find this with a lot of tutorials you see online. They are more like recipes, which is nice, but the drawback is you may not understand why a particular tool is used, or why they chose the steps they did to get the results. Without knowing the nuts and bolts of how a particular tool behaves the way it does, how do you know to draw upon it in another scenario? I like to use the analogy of knowing the difference between a flat-tip screwdriver and a jackhammer. Both use a flat tip, but try loosening a light plate switch in your living room with the jackhammer. For this reason, it’s necessary to know these apps “under the hood”. It helps cut down on you getting unpredictable results and frustrated in the process.
If you want to tap into the power of these apps then talk with me about setup a training session.
Contact CP Creative Studio for more information!
CP Creative Studio Training For The Big 3!
Adobe Illustrator • Adobe Photoshop • Adobe InDesign
Start Learning Today!