CP Creative Studio Logo Design Services Include:
“What Is Branding And Why Do I Need Logos?”
First let’s go over what a brand isn’t. Ready? A brand is not a logo or a product. It’s not a place of business. It’s more like a feeling you have about a product, service or company. You, the individual, define that feeling. To put it in layman’s terms: it’s a sense of trust. Although the brand isn’t something tangible that you control, like driving a car, it can be influenced by highlighting its uniqueness. Think of it as the promise you make about your product/services that distinguishes it from your competitors. Think of the logos as the visual representation of that promise.
So how do you get the visual aspect to compliment your brand? That’s where I come in. My job is to learn about your brand, your competitor’s brand and the market you’re targeting. After I do the research, the creative process begins. I’ll start by submitting a series of drafts that include font choices (known as type treatments) and if you want, an accompanying graphic symbol or icon. We’ll work together to ensure they complement your message. Then we’ll introduce color to complete the picture. These aspects all contribute to make your promise stand out and make it consistent. Logos are what instill a sense of confidence and trust; your brand deserves nothing less!

Please click on the Portfolio link to see more branding samples!